child restraint Hyundai Equus 2012 Owner's Manual

Page 20 of 385

Seats / 3-2
Seat belts / 3-24
Child restraint system / 3-36
Air bag - supplemental restraint system / 3-45
Safety features of your vehicle

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Safety features of your vehicle
24 3
Seat belt restraint system
• For maximum restraint system
protection, the seat belts must
always be used whenever the car
is moving.
• Seat belts are most effective
when seatbacks are in the
upright position.
• Children age 12 and under must
always be properly restrained in
the rear seat. Never allow chil-
dren to ride in the front passen-
ger seat. If a child over 12 must
be seated in the front seat, he/she
must be properly belted and the
seat should be moved as far back
as possible.
• Never wear the shoulder belt
under your arm or behind your
back. An improperly positioned
shoulder belt can cause serious
injuries in a crash. The shoulder
belt should be positioned midway
over your shoulder across your
Seat belts are designed to bear
upon the bony structure of the
body, and should be worn low
across the front of the pelvis or the
pelvis, chest and shoulders, as
applicable; wearing the lap section
of the belt across the abdominal
area must be avoided.
Seat belts should be adjusted as
firmly as possible, consistent with
comfort, to provide the protection
for which they have been designed.
A slack belt will greatly reduce the
protection afforded to the wearer.
Care should be taken to avoid con-
tamination of the webbing with pol-
ishes, oils and chemicals, and par-
ticularly battery acid. Cleaning may
safely be carried out using mild
soap and water. The belt should be
replaced if webbing becomes
frayed, contaminated or damaged.
It is essential to replace the entire
assembly after it has been worn in
a severe impact even if damage to
the assembly is not obvious. Belts
should not be worn with straps
twisted. Each belt assembly must
only be used by one occupant; it is
dangerous to put a belt around a
child being carried on the occu-
pant's lap.(Continued)
• Avoid wearing twisted seat belts.
A twisted belt can't do its job as
well. In a collision, it could even
cut into you. Be sure the belt
webbing is straight and not twist-
• Be careful not to damage the belt
webbing or hardware. If the belt
webbing or hardware is dam-
aged, replace it.

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Safety features of your vehicle
Seat belt precautionsInfant or small child
You should be aware of the specific
requirements in your country. Child
and/or infant seats must be properly
placed and installed in the rear seat. For
more information about the use of these
restraints, refer to “Child restraint sys-
tem” in this section.✽NOTICE
Small children are best protected from
injury in an accident when properly
restrained in the rear seat by a child
restraint system that meets the require-
ments of the Safety Standards of your
country. Before buying any child
restraint system, make sure that it has a
label certifying that it meets Safety
Standards of your country. The restraint
must be appropriate for your child's
height and weight. Check the label on
the child restraint for this information.
Refer to “Child restraint system” in this
All occupants of the vehicle must
wear their seat belts at all times.
Seat belts and child restraints
reduce the risk of serious or fatal
injuries for all occupants in the
event of a collision or sudden stop.
Without a seat belt, occupants
could be shifted too close to a
deploying air bag, strike the interior
structure or be thrown from the
vehicle. Properly worn seat belts
greatly reduce these hazards.
Always follow the precautions
about seat belts, air bags and occu-
pant seating contained in this man-
Every person in your vehicle needs
to be properly restrained at all
times, including infants and chil-
dren. Never hold a child in your
arms or lap when riding in a vehi-
cle. The violent forces created dur-
ing a crash will tear the child from
your arms and throw the child
against the interior. Always use a
child restraint appropriate for your
child's height and weight.

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Safety features of your vehicle
34 3
Larger children
Children who are too large for child
restraint systems should always occupy
the rear seat and use the available
lap/shoulder belts. The lap portion should
be fastened and snugged on the hips
and as low as possible. Check periodical-
ly if belt fits. A child's squirming could put
the belt out of position. Children are
given the most safety in the event of an
accident when they are restrained by a
proper restraint system in the rear seat. If
a larger child (over age 12) must be seat-
ed in the front seat, the child should be
securely restrained by the available
lap/shoulder belt and the seat should be
placed in the rearmost position. Children
age 12 and under should be restrained
securely in the rear seat. NEVER place a
child age 12 and under in the front seat.
NEVER place a rear facing child seat in
the front seat of a vehicle.
If the shoulder belt portion slightly touch-
es the child’s neck or face, try placing the
child closer to the center of the vehicle. If
the shoulder belt still touches their face
or neck they need to be returned to a
child restraint system.
Restraint of pregnant women
Pregnant women should wear lap/shoul-
der belt assemblies whenever possible
according to specific recommendations
by their doctors. The lap portion of the
belt should be worn AS SNUGLY AND
LOW AS POSSIBLE on the hips, not a
cross the abdomen.
Injured person
A seat belt should be used when an
injured person is being transported.
When this is necessary, you should con-
sult a physician for recommendations.
WARNING- Shoulder belts
on small children
• Never allow a shoulder belt to be
in contact with a child’s neck or
face while the vehicle is in
• If seat belts are not properly worn
and adjusted on children, there is
a risk of death or serious injury.
WARNING - Pregnant
Pregnant women must never place
the lap portion of the safety belt
over the area of the abdomen
where the fetus is located or above
the abdomen where the belt could
crush the fetus during an impact.

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Safety features of your vehicle
One person per belt
Two people (including children) should
never attempt to use a single seat belt.
This could increase the severity of
injuries in case of an accident.
Do not lie down
To reduce the chance of injuries in the
event of an accident and to achieve max-
imum effectiveness of the restraint sys-
tem, all passengers should be sitting up
and the front and rear seats should be in
an upright position when the car is mov-
ing. A seat belt cannot provide proper
protection if the person is lying down in
the rear seat or if the front and rear seats
are in a reclined position.
Care of seat belts
Seat belt systems should never be disas-
sembled or modified. In addition, care
should be taken to assure that seat belts
and belt hardware are not damaged by
seat hinges, doors or other abuse.
Periodic inspection
All seat belts should be inspected peri-
odically for wear or damage of any kind.
Any damaged parts should be replaced
as soon as possible.
Keep belts clean and dry
Seat belts should be kept clean and dry.
If belts become dirty, they can be
cleaned by using a mild soap solution
and warm water. Bleach, dye, strong
detergents or abrasives should not be
used because they may damage and
weaken the fabric.
When to replace seat belts
Entire in-use seat belt assembly or
assemblies should be replaced if the
vehicle has been involved in an accident.
This should be done even if no damage
is visible. Additional questions concern-
ing seat belt operation should be directed
to an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
Riding with a reclined seatback
increases your chance of serious
or fatal injuries in the event of a col-
lision or sudden stop. The protec-
tion of your restraint system (seat
belts and air bags) is greatly
reduced by reclining your seat.
Seat belts must be snug against
your hips and chest to work proper-
ly. The more the seatback is
reclined, the greater the chance
that an occupant's hips will slide
under the lap belt causing serious
internal injuries or the occupant's
neck could strike the shoulder belt.
Drivers and passengers should
always sit well back in their seats,
properly belted, and with the seat-
backs upright.

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Safety features of your vehicle
36 3
Children riding in the car should sit in the
rear seat and must always be properly
restrained to minimize the risk of injury in
an accident, sudden stop or sudden
maneuver. According to accident statis-
tics, children are safer when properly
restrained in the rear seats than in the
front seat. Larger children not in a child
restraint should use one of the seat belts
You should be aware of the specific
requirements in your country. Child and/or
infant safety seats must be properly placed
and installed in the rear seat. You must use
a commercially available child restraint
system that meets the requirements of the
Safety Standards of your country.
Child restraint systems are designed to be
secured in vehicle seats by lap belts or the
lap belt portion of a lap/shoulder belt, or
by a tether anchor and/or ISOFIX anchors
(if equipped).
Children could be injured or killed in a
crash if their restraints are not properly
secured. For small children and babies, a
child seat or infant seat must be used.
Before buying a particular child restraint
system, make sure it fits your car seat
and seat belts, and fits your child. Follow
all the instructions provided by the man-
ufacturer when installing the child
restraint system.
• A child restraint system must be
placed in the rear seat. Never
install a child or infant seat on the
front passenger's seat. Should an
accident occur and cause the
passenger-side air bag to deploy,
it could severely injure or kill an
infant or child seated in an infant
or child seat. Thus only use a
child restraint in the rear seat of
your vehicle.
• A seat belt or child restraint sys-
tem can become very hot if it is
left in a closed vehicle on a sunny
day, even if the outside tempera-
ture does not feel hot. Be sure to
check the seat cover and buckles
before placing a child there.
• When the child restraint system
is not in use, store it in the lug-
gage area or fasten it with a seat
belt so that it will not be thrown
forward in the case of a sudden
stop or an accident.
• Children may be seriously injured
or killed by an inflating air bag.
All children, even those too large
for child restraints, must ride in
the rear seat.
To reduce the chance of serious or
fatal injuries:
• Children of all ages are safer
when restrained in the rear seat.
A child riding in the front passen-
ger seat can be forcefully struck
by an inflating air bag resulting in
serious or fatal injuries.
• Always follow the child restraint
system manufacturer’s instruc-
tions for installation and use of
the child restraint.
• Always make sure the child seat
is secured properly in the vehicle
and your child is securely
restrained in the child seat.
• Never hold a child in your arms or
lap when riding in a vehicle. The
violent forces created during a
crash will tear the child from your
arms and throw the child against
the vehicle’s interior.
• Never put a seat belt over your-
self and a child. During a crash,
the belt could press deep into the
child causing serious internal

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Safety features of your vehicle
Using a child restraint system
For small children and babies, the use of
a child seat or infant seat is required. This
child seat or infant seat should be of
appropriate size for the child and should
be installed in accordance with the man-
ufacturer's instructions.
• Never use an infant carrier or a
child safety seat that "hooks"
over a seatback, it may not pro-
vide adequate security in an acci-
• Seat belts can become very hot,
especially when the vehicle is
parked in direct sunlight. Always
check seat belt buckles before
fastening them over a child.
• After an accident, have an author-
ized HYUNDAI dealer check the
child restraint system, seat belt,
tether anchor and lower anchor.
• If there is not enough space to
place the child restraint system
because of the driver's seat,
install the child restraint system
in the rear right seat.
Forward-facing child restraint system
Rearward-facing child restraint system(Continued)
• Never leave children unattended
in a vehicle – not even for a short
time. The car can heat up very
quickly, resulting in serious
injuries to children inside. Even
very young children may inadver-
tently cause the vehicle to move,
entangle themselves in the win-
dows, or lock themselves or oth-
ers inside the vehicle.
• Never allow two children, or any
two persons, to use the same
seat belt.
• Children often squirm and repo-
sition themselves improperly.
Never let a child ride with the
shoulder belt under their arm or
behind their back. Always proper-
ly position and secure children in
the rear seat.
• Never allow a child to stand-up or
kneel on the seat or floor of a
moving vehicle. During a colli-
sion or sudden stop, the child
can be violently thrown against
the vehicle’s interior, resulting in
serious injury.
Do not operate the rear power seat
(if equipped) while the child seat is

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Safety features of your vehicle
38 3
For safety reasons, we recommend that
the child restraint system be used in the
rear seats.
Installing a child restraint system by
lap belt (on the center rear seat)
(if equipped)
To install a child restraint system on the
center rear seats, do the following:
1. Place the child restraint system on the
center rear seat.
2. Extend the latch plate tongue of the
lap belt.
3. Route the lap belt through the restraint
according to the seat manufacturer’s
4. Buckle the seat belt and adjust the lap
belt for a snug hold on the child
restraint by pulling on the loose end of
the belt. After installation of the child
restraint system, try to move it in all
directions to be sure the child restraint
system is securely installed.
WARNING- Child seat
• A child can be seriously injured
or killed in a collision if the child
restraint is not properly anchored
to the car and the child is not
properly restrained in the child
restraint. Before installing the
child restraint system, read the
instructions supplied by the child
restraint system manufacturer.
• If the seat belt does not operate
as described in this section, have
the system checked immediately
by your authorized HYUNDAI
• Failure to observe this manual's
instructions regarding child
restraint systems and the
instructions provided with the
child restraint system could
increase the chance and/or
severity of injury in an accident.
Never place a rear-facing child
restraint in the front passenger
seat, because of the danger that an
inflating passenger-side air bag
could impact the rear-facing child
restraint and kill the child.

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Safety features of your vehicle
Installing a child restraint system by
lap/shoulder belt
To install a child restraint system on the
outboard or center rear seats, do the fol-
1. Place the child restraint system in the
seat and route the lap/shoulder belt
around or through the restraint, follow-
ing the restraint manufacturer’s
instructions. Be sure the seat belt web-
bing is not twisted.2. Fasten the lap/shoulder belt latch into
the buckle. Listen for the distinct “click”
sound.Position the release button so that it is
easy to access in case of an emergency.
3. Buckle the seat belt and allow the seat
belt to take up any slack. After installa-
tion of the child restraint system, try to
move it in all directions to be sure the
child restraint system is securely
If you need to tighten the belt, pull more
webbing toward the retractor. When you
unbuckle the seat belt and allow it to
retract, the retractor will automatically
revert back to its normal seated passen-
ger emergency locking usage condition.

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Safety features of your vehicle
40 3
Securing a child restraint seat with
“Tether Anchor” system
(if equipped)
Child restraint hook holders are located
on the package tray.
Seating position
Age group
0 : Up to 10 kg
(0 - 9 months)
0+ : Up to 13 kg
(0 - 2 years)
I : 9 kg to 18 kg
UU(9 months - 4 years)
II & III : 15 kg to 36 kg
(4 - 12 years)
Child seat restraint suitability for seat position using the seat belt - For Europe
Use child safety seats that have been officially approved and are appropriate for your
children. When using the child safety seats, refer to the following table.
U : Suitable for "universal" category restraints approved for use in this mass group
X : Seat position not suitable for children in this mass group

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